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Back to School Tips!

The Covid pandemic has disrupted all of us, but especially the lives of our children. Instead of “being kids”-spending time with friends, sports, social clubs-children were expected to socially distance. While we continue to prioritize safety, government restrictions are loosening, giving ways for opportunities galore.

Many children have not attended physical school for a year or two and it will certainly be a change of routine. The best approach is not to downplay the change but instead take action to ease the transition.

  1. Many children dress differently at home than at school. To celebrate this change-from primarily online to in-class learning-a new outfit can inspire self confidence in a young person. Furthermore, let them chose the outlet, encouraging personality and style

  2. Talk to your child, encouraging them to share both their hopes and fears. If your child is nervous about a specific subject, let Inspiration know.

  3. Discuss interests with your child, especially extra-curricular groups that meet on a regular basis. This will promote friendships with peers in and out of their homeroom. By including the child in the decision making, there is a greater chance that they will blossom and develop strong social skills.

  4. Organize your child’s time, leaving adequate time for studying, exercise, socializing, and chores. Limit exposure to video games, limiting access if other priorities are ignored.

  5. Find ways to connect learning material with family “field trips”. For example, if the student is learning history then the museum is a fine choice. Likewise, if a student is interested in French, a family trip to Quebec will force your child to use what they have learned, especially outside Montreal and other tourist areas.

  6. When you are excited about your child’s future, your inspiration is contagious!

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