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Jump Math, All Levels ( 1-8)

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $19.99.

Your child can excel at math.

JUMP Math can assist your child in mastering math, regardless of where they are beginning from, and teach them to love it. Our method is founded on the science of how kids learn, so your child will succeed in understanding mathematics and develop the confidence to succeed in anything they set their minds to.

JUMP Math is a prestigious nonprofit organization that supports the idea that all kids may achieve their full potential by developing a love and understanding of math. Through a studied, extensive Grades K–8 math learning programme, professional teaching materials, and support for educators, we enable instructors to maximise the skills of every student in every classroom. We also provide parents and guardians with tools to support kids’ learning at home.


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JUMP Math is changing the world.

JUMP Math is having an influence on kids across Canada, the United States, and other nations across the world, including as Spain, Chile, Bulgaria, and Colombia, in collaboration with our partners.

Jump Math Founder

Regarding Dr. John Mighton

Jump Math Founder

It is well known that Dr. Mighton works to develop children’s mathematical skills, self-confidence, and numeracy.

For his accomplishments, he has received awards from the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year, Ernst & Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year for Canada, Ashoka Fellow, and Officer of the Order of Canada. John, a Fellow of the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, has also instructed in the subject at the University of Toronto. But he had to work hard to be successful in math.

John Mighton may well become the nation’s math conscience. He not only knows that all children can master genuine mathematics but has repeatedly proved so with his brilliant, no-nonsense … program.

Andrew Nikiforuk
Education Writer and Award-Winning Author
Product Details
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(Grade1 )Assessment & Practice Book 1.1


(Grade1 ) Assessment & Practice Book 1.2


(Grade2 )Assessment & Practice Book 2.1


(Grade2 )Assessment & Practice Book 2.2


(Grade3 )Assessment & Practice Book 3.1


(Grade3 )Assessment & Practice Book 3.2


(Grade 4 )Assessment & Practice Book 4.1


(Grade 4 )Assessment & Practice Book 4.2


(Grade 5 )Assessment & Practice Book 5.1


(Grade 5 )Assessment & Practice Book 5.2


(Grade 6 )Assessment & Practice Book 6.1


(Grade 6 )Assessment & Practice Book 6.2


(Grade 7 ) Assessment & Practice Book 7.1


(Grade 7 ) Assessment & Practice Book 7.2


(Grade 8 )Assessment & Practice Book 8.1


(Grade 8 )Assessment & Practice Book 8.2

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