Inspiration Summer Camp

Can you believe that it is April already? Spring is here and today we are all focused on the eclipse where the moon passes over the sun, making for a vivid visual scene. However, we are also busy planning our awesome summer camp program, offered in a large variety of formats, each with unique goals and experiences. We would love to share some of the recent developments of our planning and show how we connect classroom learning with the world outside our doors.
Writing Summer Camp
Many of our students find it difficult to find things to write about. Sometimes they spend time staring at their blank pages, unable to expand upon their ideas. To help inspire them, we have an awesome set of attractions to guide students through, providing them with the chance to “learn by doing” and increased social opportunities. For example, at the Toronto Zoo, we will guide youngsters through a planned rotation of the park, highlighting key animal exhibits that are particularly fascinating. While at the zoo, students are encouraged to take notes, pictures and remember details for their assignments. This can be likened to being a reporter of sorts, where they share their findings with those who did not come. Not only is it a fun way to develop one’s critical thinking skills, it helps foster solid communication skills both orally and in writing. This applies to all of the awesome trips that we have planned, from the museum to the aquarium and more.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Summer Camp
Have you ever wondered how amusement park rides work? They are developed using physics which guide engineers on how the mechanisms are planned, installed and operated. While Wonderland may not appear to be an educational destination at face value, it can be a valuable learning opportunity with regard to understanding the principles taught in homeroom. Of course, this required that students take the time to reflect on the rides, taking notes and connecting it to relevant theories and so forth. Furthermore, the aquarium is a great place to learn about biolife, from fish to sharks to turtles and everything in between. Have you noticed that some animals can spend their entire lives underwater while others come up periodically for air? Some fish prefer staying at the bottom while others stay near the surface. While some of the questions are answered with visual infographics, they can be answered by our staff, Ripley’s staff or researched independently. Students will be expected to take notes, including both facts and observations, and present the information orally to the group. This will increase public speaking skills and reduce shyness. In fact, everything is a learning experience if given under the appropriate guidelines, ensuring that students come out smarter and better informed.
Multicultural Writing Camp
Did you know that you can visit Portugal, Italy, China and Israel without ever getting on an aeroplane? Well, you can visit the ethnic enclaves of these countries, in addition to many more, all scattered around the Greater Toronto Area. Each community has their own traditional restaurants, stores and landmarks. This is a great way to learn about the outside world and the amazing people that populate our city. The good news is that many are located close to one another, allowing us to walk easily between them. This is a great experience to develop strong writing skills, asking and answering questions that reveal important details about our multicultural fabric. We believe that diversity is our strength but it is inclusive that brings us all together. Like in the other formats, we will issue writing assignments to all of the students, giving them the chance to take notes, reflect, compose and convey their findings.