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Your Guide To An Educational Franchise

Maybe we saw you at one of the franchise shows around. As you might know, there are a whole host of different systems, from food, to technology to e-commerce and everything in between. While franchises operate in a similar fashion, with prospective entrepreneurs joining an established system, each offers a different service to the community. Not everyone wants to be around food all the time, since it entails long hours and coming home smelling like produce or fried oil. On the other hand, not everyone is technically skilled and this rules out many of the more “hands on” operations.

Despite what you may have thought, you do not need to be a certified teacher or be experienced in education (to open a learning center). Your job would be to recruit teachers, tutors and other people that offer the services that you offer. In other words, while you are responsible for overseeing the education process, by ensuring quality assurance, you personally are not going to spend your time teaching but rather focusing your effort on public relations and student recruitment. While this can take some time, our training process is among the industry’s best, taking place at our corporate office in Markham, other campuses as well as virtual sessions. When you are done training, you will have access to our franchise development team, which is composed of experienced teachers, managers and other experts that guide our collective operation.

What Is An Education Franchise?

We are all familiar with the public and private systems. The public boards are community funded, with tuition fees built into housing taxes and so forth. The private system works independently from the government and relies on parents to pay tuition, no different from paying for university or college. In order to qualify for accreditation, both need to meet provincial guidelines, set forth by the education ministry where they operate. While some tutoring centers operate without government oversight, Inspiration Learning Center is also an approved high school, offering high school credits and full diplomas. In other words, our system gives you the opportunity to take care of your student’s complete needs, from pre-k straight through to post secondary. Taking place in budget-friendly premises across the country, you would convert space into smaller classrooms, each with a whiteboard, computer, chairs and tables. At the very front is the receptionist desk, which features our logo and a welcome area to greet students, parents and guests.

How Much Can A Education Franchise Earner Make?

In our system, we have operators at every level of progression, from our newest centers to those with ten years (or more) experience. Our business model works by charging families per hour, whether it be for one-on-one, group and high school credit courses. Parents buy packages which include a set number of numbers, with a set objective or learning plan. Out of that fee, a portion goes to the teacher, another to operation and the third to profit. We have among the highest return ratios in the industry, as demonstrated by our continuous performance at the Canadian Franchise Award galas. Put simply, on the low end, new owners can look forward to about $200,000 a year in gross sales while established partners make half a million or more per year. Please note that these figures represent sales volumes and not take home pay, before or after tax. With immigration set to continue over the coming decades, there is an untapped potential for you to realise in some of our most choice jurisdictions.

What Is The Franchise Training Program Like?

After both sides get to know each other, ensuring that every detail is discussed, it is time to start training. This takes place before your learning center is opened. While it may seem intimidating at first, by virtue of the sheer volume of information, it is rather easy to follow and there is consistent and comprehensive support along the way. Taking place at our corporate office, the training covers administrative duties, planning software, social media (and other marketing), recruitment, sales and everything in between. It is facilitated by education and franchise experts, who have countless years of “on the ground” experience. There is a time for every question to be answered as well as a direct connection to questions as they arise over time. At first, there is a high level bilateral communication, whether in person or via phone calls or texting. Over time, once you get the hang of things, the process becomes much more automated, like a well oiled machine.

How Do You Recruit Teachers and Students?

We have a proven method of finding the best teachers, whether they be certified or holding advanced degrees in their area of expertise. Some join us part time, others join us on a full time basis. We do our best to accommodate their scheduling, ensuring that parents are given notice of time off, allowing us to find a suitable replacement. In terms of students, we have an award winning brand and some of our best recruitment methods include referral, word of mouth or social media. Our corporate office runs a national campaign, which gives out general program information while referring leads to their respective geographic locations. Some of our students are located far away from a physical campus, allowing us to offer online services via our integrated learning platform. While all the details will be discussed in training, it is safe to say that all of our locations are busy and at consistent capacity.

What Is The First Step?

The first step is to give us a call or drop us a message. You can find our contact information on our website. Once we set up an appointment, we can connect and go over all of the details regarding how we operate, our values and beliefs and the path forward. If it is a good match, we would invite you to fill out an application and start the process. It is a very exciting time and we will be glad to have you on board!

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