Why Study In Canada?

Our students come from all around the world, in addition to those who are already living here. Many are first-generation immigrants, families who value education but may lack the ability to guide their children properly. This makes sense considering that not everyone is comfortable with the material taught, especially as it gets more advanced (and detailed) with the older years. This blog is to provide a brief exposition of the Canadian learning system and what makes it different from others, both in the West and elsewhere.
The Canadian system is based on the British format, albet with a strong French influence. That means that Canadian students follow the typical academic organisation but incorporates both French language and Indigenous heritage and history. If one were to approximate, it is a hybrid between the British and American systems. This would make it easy for Canadian graduates to transition into either, in addition to many other countries that value the quality of domestic instruction. Starting with a solid literacy acquisition program, students are exposed to a whole litany of different subjects, allowing them to venture out and find things that fit their unique skills and profiles. In the younger years, they are given set classes, where they learn as a collective and have teachers coming to their homeroom classes. As they get older, and their profiles become more unique, they are afforded the chance to choose their electives, which can often include prerequisites for future classes or even university.
When people think of the Eastern system, which is common in many parts of Asia, they often think about frequent testing, memorization, and extreme structure. This is due to the standardised testing which can be the ticket to middle class (or higher) life. In other words, they focus just on the areas being tested and ignore others. This can be beneficial when competing in this area but makes it difficult to become a well-rounded person. This is not just present in Asia, but also in some parts of the United States, especially in the public school systems. Their budget is often tied to standardised testing results and this is the litmus test which judges the quality of both the teachers and the students. With a lack of teachers, students are put in large classrooms and there is little room for deviating from the government curriculum.
Canadian schools tend to be smaller, especially so in private schools. This allows for an increased level of teacher student interaction and to ensure a more student-focused learning environment. The benefits are considerable, especially when the teacher is able to understand each person and deliver a personalised approach that would be impossible in other scenarios. One of the highlights of our system is the ability to foster creative thinking and speaking, which occurs in both small groups and larger arenas. This builds confidence and teaches students how to learn, organise their notes, and deliver in an impactful manner. These exercises are used in tandem with sports, which not only promotes physical well-being but also group effort and cooperation. These skills help them navigate the many challenges that lay ahead, regardless of what career stream they choose. Rather than talking down to youngsters, Canadian teachers encourage them as peers, providing a kind ear during all stages of their development.
If you are looking for world-class education, Canada is the place to be. We have schools of all sizes, worldviews and also bilingual options. While we do offer other languages, they tend to be offered as high school electives but can be enriched with supporting programs. If you are having trouble navigating the system, it can be advantageous to meet with a consultant, someone with years of experience and expertise. Inspiration Learning Center has helped thousands of students achieve their academic goals, from kindergarten right through to secondary school and universities. From expert tutoring, to high school credit courses, and everything in between, we have a dedicated team that is prepared and equipped to help your children flourish. We would love to meet with you, either at one of our 13 learning centres or online.