American History: Connecting with the Past, AP Edition – 9780021362998



part of the Advanced Placement series
Published Date:10/07/2014
Author:Alan Brinkley
Subject:AP Social Studies and Social Sciences
ISBN10:0021362998ISBN13:9780021362998Weight:2,209.00 Grams
Dimensions:23.50 cm3.81 cm28.57 cm
American History shows students that history is not just a collection of names and dates, but an ongoing story about the present and past. It invites students to think critically about the forces that continually create the United States. The online teacher edition, one-year subscription includes 1-year teacher access to the digital resources. The course dashboard aggregates a variety of resources, including the updated Teacher Manual, updated Correlations, and a direct link to the new College Board Course and Exam Description essential to meeting the new standards.

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