Product Details :
- Author: Cathy Costello, Janice Adams, Cathy Costello, Steve Naylor
- Published Date: 10/31/2003
- Format: Pack
$109.95 原价为:$109.95。$99.95当前价格为:$99.95。
Success in Reading and Writing and Success in Reading and Writing Seniors serve as both textbooks and student reference books.
They offer the perfect setting for a range of courses.
Students who take Reading and Writing for Success have the chance to use the tutorial-based method to study a variety of genres.
This book gives students of all levels the skills they need to read and write effectively across a wide range of subject areas by using simple explanations, concrete examples, and a bank of power tools.
Students can explore the connections between forms and audiences while strengthening their reading, critical thinking, presenting, and communication skills within a cross-curricular framework.
Product Details :