Applying Life Skills – Student Edition (Print)
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Business Management – Real-World Applications and Connections


Real-World Applications and Connections gives students an understanding of the way business works.
Classroom experience is enhanced through a blend of text, visual presentation and interactive multimedia resources.

SKU: Bus1 分类:

Key Features

Reading Strategies help students reflect, direct, review and respond to the chapters concepts.
BusinessWeek Management Model provide students with opportunities to preview the content with an excerpt of a pertinent article relating to management
Students use critical-thinking and decision making after reading and interpreting the article.

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Management
2. The Management Movement
3. Careers in Management
4. Ethics and Social Responsibility
5. Business, Workers and the Law
6. Economics
7. International Business
8. Decision-Making Skills
9. Communication Skills
10. Planning and Strategic Management
11. Operations Management and Planning
12. Organizing and Work
13. Organizational Structure
14. Understanding Work Groups
15. Working with Employees
16. Motivation and Leadership
17. Managing Conflict and Stress
18. Managing Change, Culture and Diversity
19. Management Control
20. Operations Control
21. Management Information Systems

重量 N/A
尺寸 N/A
Real-World Applications and Connections

Student Edition (Print)


Student Workbook

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