Applying Life Skills – Student Edition (Print)
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BC Science: Connections (Grade 9) – Student Edition (Print)


The BC Science Connections program is 100% Curriculum aligned and supported inquiry-based learning. It leverages students natural sense of curiosity and wonder so they learn by actively engaging in activities while having access to clear, concise, and highly visual curriculum specific content to support knowing, doing and understanding.

– Inquire – new activities and labs offer a wide variety of problem-based and inquiry options from directed, guided and open to meet student needs
– Connect – written by a trusted team of BC educators with years of classroom experience who have actively worked on implementing the new curriculum.

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Key Features

Develops and supports scientific literacy, engages students with dynamic content, lab experiences and a rich array of resources to ensure students understand the big idea.
Builds students confidence with solid science content that is easy to understand and provides the background necessary to personalized inquiry.
Support for place-based learning and integrates First Peoples ways of knowing into your science classroom.

Product Details :

  • Author: Van Chau, Gregg Jennens, Nancy Mcaleer, Lionel Sandner
  • Published Date: 12/14/2016
  • Subject: Science
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN13:  9781259650697
  • ISBN10: 1259650693
  • Grade: 9

CONNECTschool (Online):
– Complete interactive student resource with access to rich media such as interactive activities, videos, quizzes, virtual manipulative math tools and more…
– Teacher CONNECT school includes rich media assets, interactive activities, Blackline Masters, PowerPoints, planning notes, assessment notes, rubrics and solutions in one and a customizable digital resource

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