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How Tutoring Raises Grades

While some students do great just with mainstream classroom activities, others need extra help to reach their potential. Some are gifted and are bored with the material, often losing focus and their grades slipping due to lack of interest. Others need extra help, with understanding or application, needing someone to sit with them one on one. Regardless of the student’s specific profile, we know that they do better when they can work with a teacher privately, giving them the benefits that translate into a better report card, self confidence and the drive to perform better.

We have been doing this for over two decades now, understanding the education system inside and out. From a child’s first words, to elementary, high school (and beyond), our team are experts at what they do. From certified teachers to graduate degree holders, we have the skills needed to make your family’s academic dreams a reality.

What Is Tutoring?

Tutoring is when a student works privately with a teacher, focusing on homework, assigned readings, or other material that is necessary for their current and future needs. The first step is to come in for a free assessment, which looks at the student’s aptitude, knowledge and deficiencies. In tandem with record cards, we get to know your child as an individual person, something that is nearly impossible in other settings. This is due to the sheer volume of peers, making it difficult for teacher’s to allocate equal time, further dividing up their availability and sometimes getting distracted with administered duties. The subject matter is reflective on the assessment, which can cover maths, science, English, French and more. Each of our tutors are subject matter experts and can explain things in a very clear and concise way. Rather than the student being embarrassed, our tutors are compassionate and gentle, leading empathy and other human-centred traits.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Tutoring?

Some parents are unsure of what goes on in class while they are away. Many schools offer a digital platform where parents can see what is going on, review grades and notes, but this is often not enough. Furthermore, the comments can be misleading since they assign a B grade without giving any constructive criticism, which constitutes a roadmap to the A-level. This is due to the fear of upsetting parents but this practice is harmful and can cause stunting and be a barrier to progress. Our teachers know how to interpret the marking schemes, which include rublics, vague comments and other nuances phrases. Taking this into consideration, our tutors will understand the gap between their current performance (and their potential) and focus on the key areas (like a laser). As well, your child may tell you that they are struggling, but this is not that common, due to the fear of humiliation. Every child wants to impress their family, not be a burden on them. For those in the gifted program, they might find the material boring, even if it is at a higher level. In terms of enrichment, which provides additional material on a subject of interest.

How Much Time Does It Take?

Some students need a little extra time in order to pass a test, get a project done or reach a specific milestone. This timeframe tends to be less time-intensive but it only corrects one area, not taking the child’s full academic future into account. In other words, they might do well in one area of focus but their grades might crash afterwards. Like everything important, it takes time and dedication. Children do well with consistency and trust, working with the same teachers, year after years. After beginning rapport, students tend to open up and confide, which opens the door for the teacher to respond and guide the learning accordingly. In terms of time constraints, it is best to have a more intensive schedule, in terms of multi hour slots of several times a week. For long term planning, weekly sessions are often effective and can generate gradual yet impressive results.

When Will We See Results?

Our East meets West teaching methodology has been proven over the years, getting awarded by industry, government and the Ministry of Education. In terms of seeing improvement, we generally see a mark difference after 3 months of committed engagement. This is due to our system, teachers and our passion for inspiring youngsters every step of the way. We know that children do best when they have individualised care. We would love to meet with you, either in person or online, and get to know your family and what you see for the future. We are parents, just like you, wanting to find the right path by avoiding things that take time and bear no fruit.

We are Inspiration Learning Center and Private School and we are here for your family, every step of the way!

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