Want Your Child To Compete At The Highest Echelons?

You Need An Educational Consultant.
Taking your family by the hand.
Every step of the way.
All good parents obsess about their children’s education, hoping they will rise far above their level. Family is a series of efforts, deliberate activity executed with purpose and precision. In other words, if people did put the family above themselves, there would be no future to inherit. This highlights the importance of effort, but effort towards what goal?
The best way to realise a goal is to “first spell it out”.
Consider this specific profile, with these specific goals.
To receive perfect report cards on a consistent basis.
To excel at a specific sport, taking it to a competitive level.
To perfect a second (or third) language.
To possess perfect diction, being respected by educated people.
To develop an “intelligent social circle” where the student aligns with successful peers, and rejects others.
As the famous idiom goes, “the proof is in the pudding”.
Inspiration has seen our alumni shine at Harvard, Yale, McGill and other prestigious universities around the world. While grades used to be central, admissions officers look “beyond the grades” and look at the applicant through a holistic lens.
Consider the following questions.
Tell me about a time where you stood up to injustice?
What concerns do you have for your generation in the coming decades?
Have you ever competed as a group, whether it be sports or otherwise?
What modern social movements are you either familiar with or support?
What have you done to enhance the fabric of your community? If society were a mosaic, how would you fit in?
As you can see, they are looking for a specific type of student, not just a subjective grade. This can be good news for some but bad for others. Consider a student who struggles in science, getting only a B+ while all of his other grades are perfect. This may have disqualified him in the past, but there are some new considerations to ponder.
Is he well liked?
Is he enjoyable to teach?
How involved is he in the community?
Has he served his community, getting recognized in some fashion?
Is he part of the school team, having won any competitions or the sort?
The education system can be very complicated, especially if you come from another country. The rules are not always consistent, often subject to change without warning.
Consider an Educational Consultant.
They are:
Education experts, master teacher.
Graduates of top universities.
The bridge between “a dream” and “reality”.
Masters of North American Culture.
Guiding your family towards success.
Instead of guessing, educational consultants will assemble a perfect trajectory for your perfect goal. We help your child develop their portfolio early, showing a consistent record of success and progress. We know what to include, what to highlight, and what to reject. We craft all of these “exhibits” into a story form, creating an interesting narrative for the admissions officer to enjoy.
Even though it may appear superficial, life is a popularity contest with the most liked people given opportunities. This is not to say that you should let your grades slide, this could not be farther from the truth. With an increased demand for limited seats, prestigious schools are allowed to set their own standards, even if they are arbitrary or seemingly self-defeating. The correct approach is to match the perfect academic record with an impressive student portfolio, one that is both interesting and full of substance. An educational consultant can help!
We encourage you to come in and see for yourself, either at our Markham headquarters or one of our twenty locations across Canada. In addition to offering expert educational guidance, we also function as a Ministry-Accredited private school offering high school diplomas. To ensure that every aspect of the report card is perfect, we have a team of seasoned teachers to guide your child through every assignment.
Book your free consultation today.